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Energy Cost

Energy Cost is the tool that allows you to study, process and analyse energy data with the aim of facilitating technical and economic decision-making on energy with objective and structured data. In this new version you can continue to register different meters and contracts with their data, both electricity and gas.



Editing load curves

Allows you to view the load curves, both hourly and quarter-hourly, of a selected meter, in order to be able to work with them later.

Energy-Cost-Editing-Load-CurvesFrom the curve of a meter and selecting a time range of that curve (for example, January 2014 to December 2015), we will create the base profile of that meter. From this base profile we can create new load curves, modifying each of the values, to check how it affects the cost.
It is also possible to create load curves from scratch, either by entering values manually, or by creating them randomly following the parameters entered, so that they are consistent.


Virtual and aggregated meters

They allow the creation of meters, not existing physically or as a fusion of several entered meters, to make various studies. Virtual meters

Virtual counters can be created using data from the load curve of other existing counters or by creating a new load curve, according to previously entered parameters, in exactly the same way as in the edition of load curves.
Aggregate metersAggregate meters are created by combining two or more existing meters. The resulting load curve would be the result of combining the load curves of the source meters.
Once created, both behave exactly the same as any physical counter. You can visualise their load curves, define a base profile, modify it, make reports on it, etc...


Readings map

Displays the map of meter readings, to check the available readings, check if there are days with no readings, etc...

Map of ReadingsSelecting any meter the program shows a calendar in which the days in which there is data are shown in bold, so it is possible to easily locate days in which there are no readings.
In this version it is also possible to see the map by months of several meters at the same time, so that it is not necessary to search one by one and thus be able to locate data gaps more quickly.


Power simulation

From the data of a meter, it allows to estimate the optimal powers to adjust the cost.

Power SimulationFrom the data of a meter or a curve generated from the curve editor, the programme checks the points where consumption exceeds the contracted amount. From there, it calculates which should be the contracted powers with which the cost of the excesses would be less than the amount contracted for the same.


OMIE & E-SIOS and OMIP prices readings

Connection with the E-SIOS and OMIP systems for reading market prices.

E-SIOSE-SIOS is the Electricity Grid Operator's Information System. It keeps the prices of the Spanish Iberian Market Operator (OMIE) up to date, and from it you can consult the prices of the Spanish Iberian Market Operator (OMIE). This is in charge of the daily price market.

OMIP is the Portuguese Market Operator and is responsible for electricity futures.
Energy Cost can connect to E-SIOS and OMIP to download the list of prices and components used in variable contracts.



Invoice reconciliation

This function allows you to check if the invoices from the supplier are correctly calculated.

Invoice ReconciliationThe entry of invoices from the supplier is done automatically, by entering them in an xml-based format. It is also possible to enter them manually.

Once entered, the program will also calculate the invoice amounts based on the terms of your contracts and check that each component is correct. In case it is not correct, it will make a report for each invoice indicating in which components the calculation is not correct. It will also make a general report indicating which bills are not correctly calculated by the supplier.

  • For the calculation of OMIP there will be several procedures for the calculation of OMIP closures, depending on the type of closure applied. There are basically 3 types of OMIP closures:
  • Closure on a percentage of consumption of a period (month, quarter, year).
  • Baseload closing in a period with settlement in the period
  • Base load closing in a period with hourly settlement


Contract types


Fixed ContractIntroduction of fixed price contracts. The components of these contracts are the type of tariff, the contracted power per period and the energy prices for each period.


Indexed Variable ContractIntroduction of indexed variable electricity contracts based on OMIP prices. The components of these contracts are the contracted power and the energy indices for each period.


Energy-Cost-Variable-Managed-Variable ContractsIntroduction of managed variable contracts based on OMIP prices. These contracts indicate the contracted power for each period and the OMIP components used in the formula with which the final price is calculated.


Medcom interfaceThe Medcom functionality allows programming the downloading of load curves and meter closures compatible with the IEC 870-5-102 protocol. This download can be done via telephone or Ethernet, and can be done manually, or programmed to be done automatically, on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. The downloads will be carried out by the Medcom Server, which may be installed on the same computer, or another computer where the modems necessary for the telephone connections must be connected.


The calculation of the OMIP position and the OMIE forecast value is always calculated regardless of whether the OMIP quote is close to the value of the weighted OMIE historical minimum.
The system always analyses the data and generates a buy alarm when the OMIP value is close to the historical low value and the estimated value position for OMIE exceeds the OMIP position value by at least 25%.


Allows the creation of purchase orders that must always have the following information:

date and time of the creation of the purchase order.
market: OMIP, OTC, bilateral agreement
type of hedging: click or basis load
hedging period: January, ...., December, Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 and year
quantity to cover: percentage of the consumption of a period or Mw of a period.
purchase price: €/Mwh
The system will keep a history of all the orders placed indicating their executor, receiver, status and validity.

System requirements

Windows 7 or higher
SQL Server 2012